Loot Accounting



2024-04-18 SLAG 004

- [ ] 1 long bow #WSS/To/Party
- [ ] 9 short bow #WSS/To/Party
- [ ] 9 shoddy armor #WSS/To/Party

2024-07-23 SLAG 008

- [ ] a locket #WSS/To/Party
- [ ] a solid bar of gold #WSS/To/Party
- initials M.E.

2025-01-02 SLAG 020

- [ ] 48 bottles of VERY good wine #WSS/To/Party

2025-01-22 SLAG 021

- [ ] 3x cruel sickles #WSS/To/Party
- [ ] 3x pair sickle boots #WSS/To/Party


2024-04-18 SLAG 004

- [ ] 1 healing potion #WSS/To/Pim

2024-08-22 SLAG 009

- [ ] Magical Giants and their Giant Wands #WSS/To/Pim

2024-12-11 SLAG 011

- [ ] Wand of Darkness #WSS/To/Pim
- Wand, uncommon
- This wand has 4 charges. While holding it, you can expend a maximum of 2 charges to cast darkness from it, requiring no concentration. For 1 charge, you cast the spell normally. If you expend an additional charge, the spell creates an area of dim light instead of darkness. If an effect caused by the wand is still active when the wand is used again, the existing magic dispels as the new spell is cast.
- Regaining Charges. The wand regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll 1d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
- with a note
- “You have done well this night, in time I hope to add my name to your book ~ A new friend”
- wrapped parchment with red string
- parchment around a thin obsidian wand
- letter signed "a new friend"

2025-01-02 SLAG 020

- [ ] 3 potions dreamless rest #WSS/To/Pim
- [ ] #53 - Plant and Fae (#53) Potion 1d6 days of having advantage Nature (plants and fae creatures). #WSS/To/Pim
- [ ] #21 - orange mist 1d6 hours immune to disease #WSS/To/Pim


2024-06-18 SLAG 006

- [ ] The Mortal Immortal (Book) book #WSS/To/Zelda

2024-08-22 SLAG 009

- [ ] Potion of Dreamless Rest #WSS/To/Zelda

2024-12-11 SLAG 011

- [ ] Bloodmage Choker #WSS/To/Zelda
- with a note
- “Your bravery befits a noble title, I envy your strength. Many will rely on it. ~ Your Friend”
- necklace blood stones

2025-01-02 SLAG 020

- [ ] #1 - 1d6 lycanthropy #WSS/To/Zelda
- [ ] #9 - 30 feet of sunlight (30 more of dim light) counts as sunlight #WSS/To/Zelda
- [ ] silk garments. dresses, hats, noble woman #WSS/To/Zelda

2025-01-22 SLAG 021

- [ ] dented silver birdcage #WSS/To/Zelda


2024-07-11 SLAG 007

- [ ] Wagon with 2 horses #WSS/To/Deuce

2024-08-22 SLAG 009

- [ ] Parchment Fragment - Drawing of a narrow rock outcropping and text: “Spire - root? But who?” #WSS/To/Deuce some dust, but less, maybe the last thing that was done on it a torn piece of parchment, with a drawing, narrow rock outcropping recognize as shallows written: “Spire - root? But who?”
- [ ] Book: Invitus Memoria (Memories Book, need a key) #WSS/To/Deuce One of the books looks different, a big black book with a key lock on it slight misty fog pouring out of the pages On the cover, "Invitus Memoria" old common (Pim knows it means something like unwanted memories? reluctant histories?)
- [ ] Sigil Binding Book #WSS/To/Deuce
- [ ] Potion of Dreamless Rest Shopping list? #WSS/To/Deuce

2024-09-12 SLAG 010

- [ ] Celestial Crest Insignia #WSS/To/Deuce

2024-12-11 SLAG 011

- [ ] Pendant Of The Pebblesworn #WSS/To/Deuce
- with Pebblesworn's Hand
- strange necklace pendant pebble of glowing stones
- with a note
- “You have acted with courage and valor tonight, but your foe is not vanquished. I hope that you will answer the call when the time comes. ~ An Ally”

2025-01-02 SLAG 020

- [ ] #62 - circular flask, orange liquid, bonus action to teleport 10' lasts 1 minute #WSS/To/Deuce
- [ ] #86 - purple berries, hollowed out branch. Eating 10 goodberries, dc13 wis save, 1d6 hours incapacitated #WSS/To/Deuce

2025-01-22 SLAG 021

- [ ] severed dragonborn hand #WSS/To/Deuce


2024-06-18 SLAG 006

- [ ] !Tablet of Shielding #WSS/To/NPC


Marked-off items[1] can be found in a table below.

2024-04-18 SLAG 004

- [ ] 1 healing potion #WSS/To/Pim
- [ ] 1 long bow #WSS/To/Party
- [ ] 9 short bow #WSS/To/Party
- [ ] 9 shoddy armor #WSS/To/Party

2024-06-18 SLAG 006

- [ ] The Mortal Immortal (Book) book #WSS/To/Zelda
- [ ] !Tablet of Shielding #WSS/To/NPC

2024-07-11 SLAG 007

- [ ] Wagon with 2 horses #WSS/To/Deuce

2024-07-23 SLAG 008

- [ ] a locket #WSS/To/Party
- [ ] a solid bar of gold #WSS/To/Party
- initials M.E.

2024-08-22 SLAG 009

- [ ] Parchment Fragment - Drawing of a narrow rock outcropping and text: “Spire - root? But who?” #WSS/To/Deuce some dust, but less, maybe the last thing that was done on it a torn piece of parchment, with a drawing, narrow rock outcropping recognize as shallows written: “Spire - root? But who?”
- [ ] Book: Invitus Memoria (Memories Book, need a key) #WSS/To/Deuce One of the books looks different, a big black book with a key lock on it slight misty fog pouring out of the pages On the cover, "Invitus Memoria" old common (Pim knows it means something like unwanted memories? reluctant histories?)
- [ ] Sigil Binding Book #WSS/To/Deuce
- [ ] Potion of Dreamless Rest #WSS/To/Zelda
- [ ] Potion of Dreamless Rest Shopping list? #WSS/To/Deuce
- [ ] Magical Giants and their Giant Wands #WSS/To/Pim

2024-09-12 SLAG 010

- [ ] Celestial Crest Insignia #WSS/To/Deuce

2024-12-11 SLAG 011

- [ ] Wand of Darkness #WSS/To/Pim
- Wand, uncommon
- This wand has 4 charges. While holding it, you can expend a maximum of 2 charges to cast darkness from it, requiring no concentration. For 1 charge, you cast the spell normally. If you expend an additional charge, the spell creates an area of dim light instead of darkness. If an effect caused by the wand is still active when the wand is used again, the existing magic dispels as the new spell is cast.
- Regaining Charges. The wand regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll 1d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
- with a note
- “You have done well this night, in time I hope to add my name to your book ~ A new friend”
- wrapped parchment with red string
- parchment around a thin obsidian wand
- letter signed "a new friend"
- [ ] Pendant Of The Pebblesworn #WSS/To/Deuce
- with Pebblesworn's Hand
- strange necklace pendant pebble of glowing stones
- with a note
- “You have acted with courage and valor tonight, but your foe is not vanquished. I hope that you will answer the call when the time comes. ~ An Ally”
- [ ] Bloodmage Choker #WSS/To/Zelda
- with a note
- “Your bravery befits a noble title, I envy your strength. Many will rely on it. ~ Your Friend”
- necklace blood stones

2025-01-02 SLAG 020

- [ ] 3 potions dreamless rest #WSS/To/Pim
- [ ] #53 - Plant and Fae (#53) Potion 1d6 days of having advantage Nature (plants and fae creatures). #WSS/To/Pim
- [ ] #21 - orange mist 1d6 hours immune to disease #WSS/To/Pim
- [ ] #62 - circular flask, orange liquid, bonus action to teleport 10' lasts 1 minute #WSS/To/Deuce
- [ ] #86 - purple berries, hollowed out branch. Eating 10 goodberries, dc13 wis save, 1d6 hours incapacitated #WSS/To/Deuce
- [ ] #1 - 1d6 lycanthropy #WSS/To/Zelda
- [ ] #9 - 30 feet of sunlight (30 more of dim light) counts as sunlight #WSS/To/Zelda
- [ ] 48 bottles of VERY good wine #WSS/To/Party
- [ ] silk garments. dresses, hats, noble woman #WSS/To/Zelda

2025-01-22 SLAG 021

- [ ] 3x cruel sickles #WSS/To/Party
- [ ] 3x pair sickle boots #WSS/To/Party
- [ ] severed dragonborn hand #WSS/To/Deuce
- [ ] dented silver birdcage #WSS/To/Zelda


Marked-Off Items[1:1]

2024-02-28 SLAG 001

- [x] coin purse (30sp + 10gp) #WSS/To/Pim
- [x] Vial of Angels Blood (a component of something?) #WSS/To/Deuce (from Aldric)

2024-04-03 SLAG 003

- [x] 3 wine bottles #WSS/To/Zelda

2024-04-18 SLAG 004

- [x] piece of wood "chit" lifetime discount at their store #WSS/To/Deuce
- [x] leather parchment with spell scroll for Enhance Ability #WSS/To/Deuce
- [x] 5 gp off the goblins #WSS/To/Party
- [x] 1 long sword – 1gp #WSS/To/Party
- [x] 9 scim (offered 5 each... after Z's Mending +2 to the 4 she worked on = 45 + (4x2 =8)= 53) #WSS/To/Party
- [x] 1 dented half plate (offered 75... after Z's Mending +50 = 125) #WSS/To/Party
- [x] 78gp #WSS/To/Deuce
- [x] 78gp #WSS/To/Pim
- [x] 78gp #WSS/To/Zelda

2024-05-09 SLAG 005

- [x] Spell scroll of Snare #WSS/To/Zelda

2024-06-18 SLAG 006

- [x] The Mortal Immortal (Book) #WSS/To/Pim
- [x] sending stone (to Bunny) #WSS/To/Deuce
- [x] Hilt of Assassination #WSS/To/Pim
- [x] Amulet of Health #WSS/To/Pim
- [x] 180gp #WSS/To/Party
- [x] 60gp each

2024-07-11 SLAG 007

- [x] Potion of Healing #WSS/To/Pim
- [x] Potion of Healing #WSS/To/Zelda
- [x] Potion of Healing #WSS/To/Deuce
- [x] 1x Potion of Greater Healing #WSS/To/Pim
- [x] Decanter of Endless Water (from Bunny) #WSS/To/Deuce
- [x] 120gp (40gp each) #WSS/To/Party
- [x] 20gp #WSS/To/Party

2024-08-22 SLAG 009

- [x] Blur spell scroll #WSS/To/Zelda
- [x] coins 120gp (40gp each) #WSS/To/Party
- [x] Arcane Lock spell scroll #WSS/To/Deuce
- [x] Heat Metal spell scroll #WSS/To/Deuce
- [x] Erupting Earth spell scroll #WSS/To/Pim
- [x] Magic Circle spell scroll #WSS/To/Deuce
- [x] Shield spell scroll #WSS/To/Zelda
- [x] Protection from Evil and Good spell scroll #WSS/To/Pim
- [x] Empty Spell Gems (quartz= holds a Level 2 spell) #WSS/To/Pim
- [x] Empty Spell Gems (quartz= holds a Level 2 spell) #WSS/To/Deuce

2025-01-02 SLAG 020

- [x] A Cloak of Confidence (know Thaumaturgy) +2 to intimidation, changes color and style #WSS/To/Deuce

  1. *claimed in inventory, used/discarded/sold, etc ↩︎ ↩︎