2025-01-02 SLAG 020
- We recovered some angelic blood
- (enough for a couple weeks access)
Morning After
- Pim gruel and tepid water on the floor
- Deuce invites him to sit at the table with him
- Plan
- show off our gifts
- Heading to the 1st magic door
We leave the wagon and horses for the fam and old lady
and we hoof it
get a little lost, but not too much... good for the ass
"you fucking door"
long hallway, polished marble floor
warm ambiance
sturdy doors at the end
walls formerly had paintings and tapestries, but no more
walls damaged. scratched up.
scratches are engravings of names people.
Deuce thinks they are the names of the victims from the RED DOOR visions
Z walks to the door
walls get darker, wetter, blood seeps from the etchings
magic blood ()
Z gives Deuce advantage on initiative
P goes under the blood and picks the lock (with disadvantage get's a nat 20 and a 10 which = 20)
store room
crystal chandelier in a store room
crates and containers
- several magic items
- chests
- Potions = 9
- “Divine immortality - different from arcane? Linked to Spire? Must be some way to negate.
- “Divine immortality - different from arcane? Linked to Spire? Must be some way to negate.
- 6 scrolls
- Potions = 9
We go up...
We want to find the Spire
Maybe try to find and talk to Featherwind?
We go up to the surface
- d and z notice an old plaque
- layout of tower
- the subterranean section has no T intersection
- caved in area not on map
Pim (slap and jump)
- using a damaged induced feature, Z and D slap him and he pops up in the air to reconnoiter
sees rocky outcropping
...And back down
Randy's room investigation
- find some etchings, desperate "Must not forget"
- etching was much older than Randy
Rubble hallway
- image shimmers, it was illusion
- hollowed out tunnel
- arcane door
Arcane Door
- opens to same mansion
Back at the Mansion, But where else can we go?
because we knew (or suspected) that there would be a door near the spire, we willed that into being and went through.
Near the Spire
pitch black cave tunnel (new place!)
Z twilights so we can see
warm and humid
P leads, springs a trap
Z leads, springs a trap, gets poisoned. +1hr
D sees another trap but doesn't say anything
Z gets poison darted again +2hrs (attack and ability checks)
we emerge near to a strange outcropping looks like a twisted hunk of metal
we see a campfire
a pit by the spire
P stealths up, Z and D hang back a bit
melted and re-hardened steel
circular chamber
in the center is a campfire
doorway on the far side
Night Hag
Pim sees a strange creature hiding
long claw-like fingers
Pim NAT 20 Intimidation check
Uvane is her name
Night Hag
she says she has wortcamp
she says she would heal Z, but disappeared
D was not on the diplomacy trip this time and was shocked that it went that way.