2024-09-12 SLAG 010


rough notes, not cleaned up yet

Spell Gem with 2nd Level Cure Wounds 2d8+4



Parents of Lilithene Torgraude
Byron Torgraude

Heline Torgraude

Old woman whom Zelda likes is Amabella Harn


big green ooze
two li'l grey oozes

Pim's li'l magic finger goes off (on a missed attack at him)
Pim reminds D he has two attacks

Stagweed (L) hurt, but okay

Mutterings in the Mist

echoing in the trees
Deuce echo-locates him (24)
Pim sneaks at him (20)
and finds the old man from 2023-11-02 Salem 001 basement
looking through a bag

bag of coins, bits of this and that spills a bit

Zelda freaks this dude the fuck out, she wolfs out and grabs him by the lapels

gets Pim to shape water to undo his block of ice, to free up a noticeable shiny item
Mage Hands something shiny from the dude's pile (Z and P notice)
small round object, like a coin, it's got a crest or insignia completely gold
sword over a shield feathery wings
slight glow

Deuce does a switcheroo and tosses a normal gold coin

Shiny Coin

highly ranked celestial Insignia

Z looks through The Mortal Immortal (Book)
symbol of their station and honor
often granted to Solars

prize marks, highly valued
parted from their crest can suffer loss of status,
and the act of losing it even physical or spiritual harm
a soldier or general of the celestial army

has magic, but drained

see some corrupted animals peeking out as us

Back to the Manse

Lyric is watching some
Some looking over the Metal Zombies

Z carries Amabella

Into It

Marin opens up the door for us

Any desire
Amabella finds nice Tea
Byron finds a blacksmith workshop
Heline finds expensive loom and fine yarns
Lillithene finds a mirror (no mark on reflection)

Deuce imagines a waterfall Everclear river of the by the Virgin Weald

Pim imagines a "cat" #ohgodno
Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 11.29.26 PM.png|300
Deuce imagines a more real cat and it takes a message to Z in her bath

Pre Game

Pim was trained to kill folks for the giants
Z joins and gets caught up on the info

Chat with Lillithene, she signs Pim's book with a drawing (she can't read/write), asks Z for help learning to help her write her name

Meet with Marynn

She's looking through samples of rocks
Lyric Greendue, Alaric Frostborn, Finley Styx, Seraphina Ironclad