2025-02-06 Salem 023


Post-Action To dos



protect something from being interacted with by a outer gods
prep for a seal that did something

Myles takes a three velums

vat of blood

Rat Intel-a-Tooey

We blow shit up.
and film it walking away... but it DOES NOT look cool.
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Doreen says Norm just left, walking with Coach Kennedy

Arc, help us!

We text Arc to find where Norm is
can't find much
a few minutes ago, Norm turned off his GPS data
heading south

Rat Jesus, Help us!

the scent trail appears to Maude

Rats! We've been spotted

Maude is a sneaky pete, but the rest of us are not.

Norm is Clover House
We head to Clover

DormRoom Strikeout

some dude: He technically has a room here, but doesn't spend a lot of time here. He spends a lot time in the hospital. 218

The Doorman cockblocks us

Scry me a river

Koda scries on Coach Kennedy
he's in his office, surrounded by many shadowy figures in long cloaks

Should we go see Shanaya Richards? Nah, we sent Brie there.

Myles sends a BAAAAAD text to Brie and gets blocked
Maude sends ALMOST the exact same text, but without punctuation and gets a reply

Brie: said Shanaya Richards seemed a little cagey, like Coach Kennedy is kind of untouchable.

So, I guess we gonna party?

Myles' Look
fifthelement.jpg|Fifth Element GREEEEEN

Maude and Koda have a getting ready montage
Maude talks to Koda about not hating Hanna
and Koda talks to Maude about not being too trusting

Maude's look
Koda's look

Todd as Solid Snake

Yeah, we Gonna party

Myles stole a ton of toilet paper from the cafeteria as party favors.

Maude and Koda play beer pong and win
Maude does a keg stand in celebration

Hanna, Brie, Sylvia all there along with a small, but decent group of folks

they are all talking about last year at the full moon, they'd find a house out in the woods. is it still around? and tonight is a full moon.

Hanna (mont) Hanna

she was snooping
she said she felt weird when we found Tanner and Mackayleigh
she found out she got identified by a spell when she peaked in the window, more digging revealed that Norm had been checking out books related to that kind of magic

Maude interrupts and tells her all the stuff. Kind of jerk-ily

Koda gets a 19 on insight... she seems genuine
we learn Norm is grad student

Todd asks Koda if she's trying to get Maude drunk
Todd refuses a couple drinks from Koda and says to Maude to be careful

Hanna says people have seen robed figures in the woods
...Maude rambles...
Hanna wants to go to the full moon house

It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when


It's clearly Brie time, baby

Brie comes up, she says they probably are going to "the spot" which is an old magic place (NOT the full moon house). Like an ancient place with standing stones and stuff

The Were-House

Myles changes his look

We head out to look for the house and see a 2nd smoke stack near Hank's

fireplace going, lights on
Maude goes in first... obviously.
Hit with warm and damp and smells like funk

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bed 1

bed 2


Attic pull down

a ladder comes down
cold air comes down
smells worse

see big cobwebs

The (pale) duke and the spiders (from Mars)

Myles plans to dook in the master to try and clog it up
finds a nat geo, talking about spiders with the page ripped out

Maude flushes some TP
Koda flushes hand towel

house is gurgling

Maude call spiders, no answer.

Myles gets a chill and looks around. see a face coming out of the wall
a human face with no skin, adult looking, Maude knows it's a woman (rolled a 26!)

Don't dream it's over

Koda wants to go to bed 1, but the door moves away from them.
constantly impossibly far away. Then she is naked (not really, just in her mind) and she has a test!

Maude trips Koda (for some reason) and Koda feels like she's falling forever
Maude, all of a sudden, is playing football and she can't get rid of the ball and dudes are chasing her

Myles is petting a dog and it's great

Todd is trying pour a glass of water but missing

We roll and the dreams end

Clowns is scary

Koda finds a picture face down, a 13 year old girl, bday party, a corner ripped out replaced with a cut out with a hot boy from a magazine

someone with a glove is holding a balloon with multi color pants

face comes out and mouths the word help

mention clown
everything turns black, a giant clown appears

I failed by more than 5, MAJOR WOUND

house is starting to shake, hyperventilating
Hanna and Brie didn't see anything

The Heart of the Basement



Maude and Koda go to try to find Rosa's diary for another piece of the puzzle
this fella appears at the top of the basement
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