2024-07-18 Salem 014


Maude has a dream that she's a puppet and needs help.
stress dream, not a full on nightmare

Arc sees chatter of a Sasquatch (Bear man roaming)


Swiggins' Missing Spatula

Todd remembers seeing the spatula in the grease trap
Myles gives the Magic Gun to Todd

Myles At practice

Coach Keating: scrimmage yesterday didn't go well
if only we had "Horn of Heroism", we could do better

CLASS: Alchemy Basics

with Dr Rosie Jackson
Arcadius creates a magic notes app which gives us +3 to school rolls
Myles is NOT tuned into class (rolled a 1...)
Maude sneaks it unnoticed

After Class

Arc texts Maude to see where she is

(Not disclosed to the group, I don't think)
Maude: "are you still mad at me?
Arc: I wasn't mad, disapointed.
Maude: That's worse
Arc gets strange and Maude puts on Do Not Disturb

Maude and the Squirrels

Bear Man (Raul) taking magic potion from the thorns and smoking it

what to do with friends that are mad at you.

Meet Up at the Clubhouse

Myles calls it the Murder Hut, but the group is... not into that name.
To be fair, Myles is shaken by the killings (and everything) so he's not "into" the name, it's just what it feels like to him.

The Plan(?) to deal with Raul

  1. Lure to the Thorn Hut
  2. Booby Trap
  3. ?
  4. Profit!

Other Details (Spatulas and Names)

Into the Grease Dimension

Suit Up, it's gonna be gross

We teleport in and see ~70 years worth of college food grease

We see a Large Factory and a Smaller building connected by a hallway

a stream of grease splats down and makes a hill near us, and we boogie.
Maude goes ahead to scout?

Small Building

Records Room

Filing Cabinets (rusty dusty unused)
two doors

Maude go towards dorms, drops bones as a sign to us of which way she went
We are right behind her


4 levels of bunk beds (very short)
100 beds in there

little skeletons
huddled together, comforting themselves when they died

Koda recalls that, in her vision, the Spatula was in a Nouveau-riche 1940's office

Arc investigates and sees that the skull bones are not fused: they were children!
no external wounds, maybe they wasted away?


Giant Vat of clarified Grease
Ghosts of children, tending the machinery

The vat overflows to the floor of the room, ghosts scream in agony/disappointment? as a whirring sound comes from above and an arcano-tech machine rewinds time

We hear
"get this ready for the next war!"

It's a glycerine refining factory

Arc: "we are hear for an inspection"
these (us) are my interns

Ronnie's office

We see Swiggins' Spatula on his desk

Ronnie bribes Arc with $50 old, greasy dollars

While Myles and Arc distract, Maude swipes the spatula (and a watch and a pen - but the characters are not aware of this)

"Time reset very rare occurrence", he lies... immediately happens again
"workers kept getting injured and dying, rewind time and they don't die"

When asked for records, he sits at his desk and, confused, exclaims:
"My time? it should be here!"
"Without my time, I can't keep schedule"


Ronnie grows and becomes a sort of grease golem
Myles steps into take the hit and then drills (with his Big Daddy drill) into the grease monster

(lost connection, missing details)

Maude throws the stop watch into the vat, gets very timey-wimey
and a fire starts and we escape, just barely thanks to an ice wall and a partially plowed path

Returning Swiggins' Spatula

Ethereum is up 86%
now have 279

Swiggins gives Arc $100

Maude also has a pen from the bad dude's desk
the pen

Pen of Translation

Myles is a little over the grease thing after that
"Can I get a spinach salad?"
Koda has a bite, offers her chop sticks

We decide to regroup at the Clubhouse


Arc's Breakdown of the Language (so far)


Big old-timey Bank Vault

Arc figures out symbols inside the bracket are numbers
2 and C
brackets mean it's numbers

39, 66, 13

Inside, we find

a cocktail bar

a marionette doll at the bar

name: she doesn't recall her name at first later remembers it is Svanlaugur
last time she was operational? confused. don't remember.

A Book "A Study on the Outer Gods" aka "Book of Eyes"


Koda, Maude, Todd feel connection to it
and Arc feels like it's a threat
Myles feels nothing

We try to hold like a seance type thing an glean that the actual title of the book:
"Book of Eyes"

Maude communes with Rat Jesus and says "If we figure it out, it will be good for us" but Rat Jesus seems to feel it is very powerful

Arc and Todd check out the Book

X: Anomaly detected. Disregard
Arc: investigate
X: unknowable self defense only option

Todd rolls 21
He immediately gets a sense of looking up in the deepest ocean, sees night sky

Arc 36
this book connects people to specific outer gods (incomprehensible beings that influence the universe, Lovecraftian)

at one point, this could connect people to those gods and grant them powers but the book is currently dead.

Maude, Todd, Koda are connected to a outer gods

Maude and Arc Chat

Clear the air, but Maude doesn't feel that she did anything worth apologizing for and Arc leaves, with maybe a greater (or at least a fresher) feeling of disappointment.